
Camapu (Campal Physalis) can easily be found in Amazonian territory, especially in the urban areas of Belém and Macapá. Its fruit is smaller than a cherry tomato and found right in the center of the plant. The young fruit is orange colored and turns yellow when ripe.

Camapu is one of the medicinal plants most used by the indigenous people in the north of the country, thanks to its therapeutic effects, especially on the brain. Research indicates that the plant is capable of regenerating neurons.


Camapu is being widely researched for its potential in treating Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps to strengthen the immune system, promote good intestinal function, prevent premature aging, control cholesterol, and stabilize blood insulin levels.


Because it has a slightly sweet flavor, camapu can be eaten raw or as an ingredient in sauces, cakes, teas, juices, or jellies. The extract is used medicinally, thanks to its scientifically proven benefits.

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