
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) is a widely cultivated tree in the tropical regions of Brazil and the world, but is also found in the dryland forests of the Amazon region. Each cacao fruit contains about 20 to 40 seeds, responsible for the propagation of the plant.
The color of the fruit is varied, ranging from green to purple and from yellow to orange. There are also differences between its varieties and their ripening time. Although the pulp is much appreciated for its sweet flavor, the main product sold is the seed.


Cacao has a high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. The fruit stands out as being cardioprotective, as it contains substances that decrease platelet aggregation and thus reduce blood clot formation.


Chocolate is the main product derived from cacao. However, the seeds are also used in the production of cocoa powder and butter, the latter also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The pulp is used to make jellies, liqueurs, wine, juice, and chocolate itself.

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