Breu Branco (White Pitch)

Breu branco (Protium heptaphyllum), also known as white pitch, is a fragrant resin with the appearance of gray rock. It is found at the base of trees that can reach 30 meters tall. It is used by the traditional peoples of the Amazon as a natural incense in sacred rituals. It is also used to ward off insects.

The tree can be found in many regions of Brazil but only where there is well-preserved native forest. Its fruits are covered with a sweet, white mass that attracts birds and other seed dispersers.


Breu branco has aromatic properties such as limonene, a common component in fragrances and essences. Its chemical components are terpinolene (28.5%), α-felandrene (16.7%), limonene (16.9%), and α-pyrene (10.5%).


Breu branco is popularly used as an anti-inflammatory analgesic and as a wound healing agent. It is also used in perfumes, colognes, and soaps.

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