We were born to enhance the Amazon, transforming the relationship between people and nature.

By giving local communities an active voice and participation in our processes, we achieve a complete, sustainable value chain.

Who we are

We see the potential of taking the Amazon to the world. And, thus, we empower local communities – we enable a fair commercialization of the fruits of this work. We are able to feed the chain in a way that benefits all parties. We are able to do business while positively impacting the life of the forest.

We know that it is possible to follow a different path, beneficial to all. Business and equality do fit in the same sentence. We guarantee a responsible production chain, valuing all parties. Together with all partners who interact with our brand, we make this new reality happen.

Our History

Fernanda Stefani and Jô Alves founded 100% Amazonia In 2009. It is a company born out of the belief that there is no future for the Amazon unless we transform the way we relate to it today.

Working in collaboration with communities, local cooperatives, and family farms, we transform fruits, seeds, and other natural resources into premium quality bioingredients for a variety of industries.

Our business model leverages the bioeconomy, combining innovation and technology with ancestral knowledge to conserve the forest and keep it standing. For this reason, we create bridges between Amazonian communities and companies by managing and articulating the entire process, from selection of partners and suppliers to delivery of products to their final destinations around the world. 

100% Amazonia products are used in more than 65 countries. Our portfolio proudly translates the region’s riches into more than 50 products, and we want you to know the origins and stories behind each one. When you choose a 100% Amazonia product, you become part of the change we are building. 


Our commitments are more than good intentions. We ensure that quality and sustainability are priorities in the company’s daily life and across our product portfolio.

A team as diverse as the forest

All are dedicated professionals who make our mission possible: Bring the best of the forest to more than 65 countries, ensuring legitimacy, fair trade, and respect for the Amazon and the people who live there.


The Forest Factory

Our factory puts technology to work in the service of nature’s rhythms. Our seasonally-responsive approach means that we adapt the mill’s production to forest time. This perspective transforms the typically exploitative monoculture approach into a broader, more respectful look at the possibilities that the Amazon has to offer each season.

This has a positive impact on the conservation and regeneration of natural resources. It also works in harmony with large-scale regenerative agriculture projects.


We decided it was possible to do it differently.
We bring the Amazon’s beauty to the world.
All prospering.
The forest. The forest communities. Us. The people we reach. The future.
We created a win-win process.
We have changed the way we think and do business.
We share our strengths, so there is no weaker side. We take no shortcuts.
We see the potential and power in this work.
We value the Amazon’s people.
Fruit, root, essence, seed.
Colors, flavors, loves.
Yes, it is possible to both commercialize and conserve.
With respect, ethics, and affection.
To extract your best. But leave everything in place.
Let’s take the Amazon to the world.
We took this mission for ourselves. See it as a retribution.
Natural. Almost fanciful. Timeless.
The real Amazon. An authentic experience.
Truly, the whole world should try it.
The Amazon is also our place.
This immensity of which we are a part.
How much we can and should experience.
We understand.
We listen. We pay attention. We learn.
We share. We exchange. We grow.
Ribeirinhos. Quilombolas. Indigenous peoples.
We know its people.
And all its possibilities.
We are delighted by its biodiversity.
We translate its intensity.
We live a little bit of its history.
And we are embraced by its culture.
So we brought 100% Amazonia into the world.
We decided it was possible to do it differently.

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